It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010: Family BBQ

Newlyweds! My cousin, Kacie and cousin-in-law, Mark

My cousin, Kacie Lauren, called me a few weeks ago, and told me that she wanted to have a little going-away party for me.  And yesterday, we had the gathering at Aunt Kathy's.  It was so nice.  Kacie and her husband Mark were there--still glowing from their honeymoon tans!--Kourtney, Aunt Kathy, Breanna, Uncle Michael, Uncle Ray, Aunt Karen, Bob, Mom, Dad, Hondo and I were all in attendance.  We had hamburgers, hot dogs, crabs, deviled eggs, potato salad, brownies and cake and washed it all down with sweet tea or Arnold Palmers.  It was a lovely way to spend one of my last days in New Jersey.

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