It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The last day of January 2010: CHETA

I'm a CHETA girl.

No, not of the singing group variety.

Over the past two years, I have had the great pleasure of getting to know an amazing group of fellow East grads who shared my love for theater during their high school years. Thanks to Lisa's creation of a group called CHETA (Cherry Hill East Theater Alumni), I've had the fortune to get to know this gang much better. The group has established a great support system, meets monthly for social gatherings, and are there for each other in good times and not-so-good ones.

I'm truly blessed to be a part of this community.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

1/30/10: Snow

The view from my porch

It's freezing today. Bitter, bitter cold out there. ella and I woke up late and went out for our trip to the field around noon. It was frigid. As she has hair rather than fur, and she had no coat on, she was eager to get her business done quickly. I was grateful for that, as I was without gloves or a scarf. She has spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping on the bed. The snowy bitterness outside coupled with the warmth of inside has made for a rather lazy Saturday afternoon for these two gals.

We're in an extreme weather warning which runs through 4 am. It's supposed to continue to snow until 9 or 10 PM at least. We're only due for "a dusting to an inch," whatever that means.

Off to see Rent tonight with some friends. I'll get to help raise awareness and funds for the South Jersey AIDS Coalition AND enjoy the show. I'm volunteering to sell refreshments and the proceeds go to the ACSNJ! I was at callbacks with most of the cast, and I can say from that experience that it should be a great production. How we gonna pay?!...

Friday, January 29, 2010

The hills are alive...Friday, 1/29/10

Sound of Music on DVD

It has been ten years since I last performed in a musical on stage. TEN YEARS. In October, I went out for the Road Company's production of RENT, and got called back but didn't make it.

Last Sunday, undiscouraged, I returned to the theater to give it another shot, this time for The Sound of Music. Lo and behold, I got called back again, and this time I made it! I have been cast as Baroness Elsa Schraeder. I think it's the perfect role to help me "get my feet wet" again.

Went out to get the movie tonight so I can watch it, and see just how high-felutant I'll need to pretend to be!

Rehearsals begin on Monday, and I'm ecstatic!

[Just to be thorough, I'll list the info here FYI. The play runs from April 16-May 1. Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 PM and Sundays at 2:00 PM. (]

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday, January 28: Chocolate Attack

An enigma wrapped in a riddle

Another adventure with food today. NEW Chocolate Cheerios. Please explain to me how eating these "may reduce the risk of heart disease." What's next?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan. 27, 2010: Big Apple Circus!

It's the Circus!

A police car intervened and stopped traffic on the southbound New Jersey Turnpike today. Only after coming to a stand-still did I notice that I'd been driving next to this truck! How cool!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tues. Jan 26, 2010: Post-Birthday Celebrations


Mike's birthday was yesterday, and since I didn't get to see him, we celebrated tonight. On the left is the gourmet dessert his roommate got him, and on the right is the humble, yet awesome cupcake I brought him from McMillians. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mon. Jan. 25: Rain Rain Go Away

My rain boots are not highly
fashionable, but highly valuable.

It poured today. Almost all day. From 2:00-4:00, it stopped. I was able to take a wet, sunny, little stroll around 3:00. That was nice. But...then back to more rain. Emergency vehicles blocked off roads left and right this afternoon and evening, as downed wires wreaked havoc on roads and communities. My second Anatomy and Physiology class was cancelled due to power outage at CCC.

Lady ella Beatrix (my dog) isn't a big fan of these days either. She doesn't mind the rain that much--understand she'd rather be dry than wet any day--but she just loves being outside. And when the function-over-fashion rain boots come out, she knows she's not getting the extended version of her walk in the field of my complex, or bookoo out-of-doors time at her grandmom and grandpop's house.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1/24: A lack of Sun Sunday in Philadelph.

Honey's Sit 'N' Eat: Always worth the trip

I think the great spirit of fire in the sky forgot that today is SUNday. It was a cloudy and overcast day, despite the few rays trickling in the window in today's shot. So, we made our own sunshine, indoors. We went to Honey's Sit 'N' Eat on 4th Street in the Northern Liberties. My Nutella French Toast with fresh berries was awesome, and the home fries are not to be missed, as always. A chance run-in with a long lost college friend, Drew, rounded out the visit for yet another fantastic experience at this gem of a restaurant.

Despite the lack of the glow from the heavens, today was gloriously bright.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

1/23/10: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

Dad. Ready for Avatar 3D.

I saw Avatar with my dad today. We're no film critics, but it gets a definite "two thumbs up" from us!

Something old: While Avatar was breathtaking and rousing, it was formulaic. I don't intend that as a criticism; it's merely an observation.

Something new: In ways beyond what one could imagine, this movie is groundbreaking. It's being touted as the first movie to develop 3D technology, pull out all the stops, and bring it to a new level. It certainly is doing that. As I'm sure is true in any format, in 3D, the film was unprecedentedly visually stunning.

Something borrowed: What made a steady flow of tears stream down my face during the movie was the how closely the relocation of the Na'vi people paralleled that of our own Native American peoples. Other indicators of parallels include the long hair held as sacred, the sacred burial grounds, the love of nature and all beings within it, and their deeply-rooted spirituality. Having learned a great deal about that dark time when taking an amazing Race Relations course at West Chester with Dr. Richard Voss, a spokesperson-of-sorts for the People of the Lakota Nation, this story line greatly impacted me. Parts of Avatar are clearly "borrowed."

Something blue: Obviously, the beautiful Na'vi People!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010: Show Boat

Pat: One heck of a perfomer

I lucked out today. I took the opportunity to catch up and get out with my friend, Heather, who I haven't seen in a while. She was so gracious to treat me to an ticket to Showboat at Haddonfield Plays and Players tonight. So, on top of getting to spend some great quality girlfriend time with Heather, I simultaneously got to watch the (as always) amazingness that is Patrick on stage. On top of being a top performer, Pat is just one heck of a nice guy. "He just keeps rollin' along...."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1/21 Black and white and "read" in the car.

My current selections

The public library is an overwhelmingly unappreciated institution. I'm as guilty as the next person of underutilization of this amazing resource, and thus, I've made an effort to utilize it more often.

Since I spend so much time in my car, I've decided to get some books on CD to enjoy while traveling. (This was a brilliant suggestion from you-know-who.) I've always been an auditory learner moreso than a visual one, so this medium works well for me. I finished The Nanny Diaries this past weekend (it was just okay), and have moved on to The Soloist. As you can see, I'm like a kid in a candy store here! I am finding it hard to resist these titles which have interested me but I haven't yet made time for. It was difficult, but I had to leave Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes on the shelf for my next trip. (I think 5 books is enough for this go-round...)

The only question remains: If you listened to the audiobook, can you claim to have actually read it?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday January 20, 2010: Back to School Night

The Infamous Periodic Table
Wasn't expecting to see another one of these for a long, looooooooong time...
Started class tonight. It's going to be a lot of work and difficult. I think if I buckle down and study my you-know-what off, I should be okay. My professor seems like a fun-loving (bordering on goofy) guy, who should make the next 16 weeks interesting to say the least.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, 1/19/10...Arbor Day?

The end of the Christmas tree

It's sad to say, but today marked the end of my Christmas tree's tenure in my home. It had a good long it early in the morning on Black Friday, and Jim put it out at 11:00 PM tonight. (As you can see, he's just tickled at the opportunity to do so.)
Bah humbug.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lundi, Janvier Dix-Huit, 2010

Gaslight Waffle Fries
South Orange, NJ

Ici est mes pommes frites. C'est magnifique!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

1/16/10: Pink Bundle of JOY!

Khloe Elizabeth and her proud Mommy

I had the great pleasure of meeting my friends' new baby girl today! Jacky and Bill welcomed little Khloe Elizabeth on Monday. She is just perfect!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010: Two Left Feet

Autonomy at its best.
(Note the two left feet.)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

An apple a day...1/14/10

Dr. Schwartz (aka "The man")

This is my doctor, Dr. Andrew R. Schwartz. He is one of the most gentle, caring, knowlegeable, kind men I know.

As you can probably guess, I paid him a visit today. I always enjoy my time with him, as he is so pleasant while being helpful at the same time. I am very fortunate to have him in my life.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13, 2010. An academic day.

My class schedule and ID

It's official! I'm enrolled in a Basic Anatomy and Physiology class at Camden County College. It sounds silly, but it's pretty exciting to be "a college student" again. I'm headed to the bookstore tonight to spend lot$ of money on the texts I'll need. It's been a while since I did that, and I'm excited for the challenge of juggling a class with regular life!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday, January 12 was "crummy."

Crumbs' Red Velvet Cupcake
(Elvis cupcake in box)

This picture doesn't even do these magnificent creations justice. I stopped by Crumbs in Westfield, NJ on my trip up north last night. It's always a treat. My friend Jacky told me about this gem of a bakery, and I'm eternally grateful for it! The best news is, they're open until 10 PM...perfect for late-night snack fixes! They are not inexpensive ($3.75 a cupcake--the 4 ran me $15), but as a once-in-a-great-while splurge, I say it's worth it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Monday 1/11/10 with Two Terrific Teachers

Two terrific teachers & great friends to boot!

Had dinner with two of my girls tonight, Jackie (L) and Kate (R). We went to Pegasus diner in Malaga. I am so blessed to have these women in my life.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

One Ten Oh-Ten with Ben.

Went to the Franklin Institute to see Body Worlds 2 exhibit today.

Had a bit of fun riding the indoor train...I especially enjoy the double entendre of my "loco" subject being depicted with the locomotive.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9, 2010: A flavorful day

As flavorful as a pic can get

Got Food Network Magazine for my birthday from you-know-who. I watch Food Network like it's my job. It's essentially the only TV I watch. There's an occasional HGTV show thrown in for good measure. I got super excited while watching on Saturday AM.

My Jan/Feb issue arrived in my mail slot, and shortly thereafter came Ina Garten's show, Barefoot Contessa. The episode was about her Flavor article for the current mag! They showed her "testing" the recipes and sending them on for their close-up with the photographers in NY. So cool!

Friday, January 8, 2010

TGIF... Janvier 8, 2010. Snow again!

I'm sowwy I missed you, Mr. Wabbit. But it looks like you had fun today!

These prints make me want to draw a smiley face under the "nostrils" so badly....

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1/7/10, meet Mr. Thirsty

Juice? Think again.

I had quite the grocery shopping venture this evening.

While shopping, I discovered this gem of a beverage called "Mr. Thirsty."

There are just so many things to love about this drink: The name of the beverage, the cheerful fruits depicted (which happen to all share the same color), the fact that it's both naturally and artificially flavored, the alarming neon red color...I could go on. But, perhaps my favorite feature is the top right corner of the label which notes "Contains no juice."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday, the sixth of Enero

I've died and gone to heaven.

And this is only half of the dinner menu.

I had the privilege to attend Amada, IRON CHEF Jose Garces' Restaurant, two times this week. What a fortunate girl am I.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday, Jan. 5, '10 brought a NEW friend!


I got to meet my friends' new puppy, Samantha! Santa brought her to them! Isn't she precious?! Such a good girl!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The first Monday of 2010. 1/4

A case of the Mondays. Need I say anything more?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan. 03, 2010 An apple a day....

I am majorly technologically cursed. Ask the lovely ladies and gents at the Apple Genius Bar who (routinely) help me with my woes. I love my iMac; it just doesn't always love me. I've had two optical drives fail me, and now it runs with an external. And the devastating hit: the hard drive crashed. Still boggles my mind that I (het hem) worked in the Apple Store and yet, I had nothing backed up. That's an anomaly.

So now, this lovely image from today is the beginning of the end of my second hard drive. It's failing. This time, however, everything is backed up, and the repair won't cost nearly as much as it did the first go-round (read FREE!).

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday, 1/2/10 featuring Ms. McBoobenstein

So it's day two, and you sticklers out there got me.

I'm cheating. I am IN this photo.

I'll admit I did not take this one, but it's too darn funny to pass up. I tried on the new "Bombshell Bra" at Victoria's Secret. I've entitled this "Ms. Boobie McBoobenstein." Hillll-arious!

From their website: "Special padding lifts you up and out, instantly adding up to 2 full cup sizes for maximum cleavage, all with amazing comfort and a natural shape."

There is absolutely NOTHING "natural" about my shape in this shot. It's just pure madness.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

Yes. That's right. THIS is my first photo of the year. While it may not be "earth-shattering" or "artistic," you can't deny that it's aesthetically pleasing.

To me, my new Coach wallet is a thing of beauty and is ready for its close-up. My old wallet was a mess, and this came as a pleasant surprise. It was my most thoughtful Christmas gift, from a certain special someone, and I just love it.