It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1/21 Black and white and "read" in the car.

My current selections

The public library is an overwhelmingly unappreciated institution. I'm as guilty as the next person of underutilization of this amazing resource, and thus, I've made an effort to utilize it more often.

Since I spend so much time in my car, I've decided to get some books on CD to enjoy while traveling. (This was a brilliant suggestion from you-know-who.) I've always been an auditory learner moreso than a visual one, so this medium works well for me. I finished The Nanny Diaries this past weekend (it was just okay), and have moved on to The Soloist. As you can see, I'm like a kid in a candy store here! I am finding it hard to resist these titles which have interested me but I haven't yet made time for. It was difficult, but I had to leave Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes on the shelf for my next trip. (I think 5 books is enough for this go-round...)

The only question remains: If you listened to the audiobook, can you claim to have actually read it?

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