It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

1/30/10: Snow

The view from my porch

It's freezing today. Bitter, bitter cold out there. ella and I woke up late and went out for our trip to the field around noon. It was frigid. As she has hair rather than fur, and she had no coat on, she was eager to get her business done quickly. I was grateful for that, as I was without gloves or a scarf. She has spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping on the bed. The snowy bitterness outside coupled with the warmth of inside has made for a rather lazy Saturday afternoon for these two gals.

We're in an extreme weather warning which runs through 4 am. It's supposed to continue to snow until 9 or 10 PM at least. We're only due for "a dusting to an inch," whatever that means.

Off to see Rent tonight with some friends. I'll get to help raise awareness and funds for the South Jersey AIDS Coalition AND enjoy the show. I'm volunteering to sell refreshments and the proceeds go to the ACSNJ! I was at callbacks with most of the cast, and I can say from that experience that it should be a great production. How we gonna pay?!...

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