It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The hills are alive...Friday, 1/29/10

Sound of Music on DVD

It has been ten years since I last performed in a musical on stage. TEN YEARS. In October, I went out for the Road Company's production of RENT, and got called back but didn't make it.

Last Sunday, undiscouraged, I returned to the theater to give it another shot, this time for The Sound of Music. Lo and behold, I got called back again, and this time I made it! I have been cast as Baroness Elsa Schraeder. I think it's the perfect role to help me "get my feet wet" again.

Went out to get the movie tonight so I can watch it, and see just how high-felutant I'll need to pretend to be!

Rehearsals begin on Monday, and I'm ecstatic!

[Just to be thorough, I'll list the info here FYI. The play runs from April 16-May 1. Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 PM and Sundays at 2:00 PM. (]

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