It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

1/23/10: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

Dad. Ready for Avatar 3D.

I saw Avatar with my dad today. We're no film critics, but it gets a definite "two thumbs up" from us!

Something old: While Avatar was breathtaking and rousing, it was formulaic. I don't intend that as a criticism; it's merely an observation.

Something new: In ways beyond what one could imagine, this movie is groundbreaking. It's being touted as the first movie to develop 3D technology, pull out all the stops, and bring it to a new level. It certainly is doing that. As I'm sure is true in any format, in 3D, the film was unprecedentedly visually stunning.

Something borrowed: What made a steady flow of tears stream down my face during the movie was the how closely the relocation of the Na'vi people paralleled that of our own Native American peoples. Other indicators of parallels include the long hair held as sacred, the sacred burial grounds, the love of nature and all beings within it, and their deeply-rooted spirituality. Having learned a great deal about that dark time when taking an amazing Race Relations course at West Chester with Dr. Richard Voss, a spokesperson-of-sorts for the People of the Lakota Nation, this story line greatly impacted me. Parts of Avatar are clearly "borrowed."

Something blue: Obviously, the beautiful Na'vi People!

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