It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last day of February, 2010: You Can Do It

We can help

Trip to the biggest Home Depot ever...a Superstore! Whooo!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010: Loveliness

Perch Home. Maplewood, NJ

I came up to North Jersey again today to spend some time with my favorite lads from Crane's Deli in Maplewood. After a drink at Cent'Anni, I ambled into a store called Perch Home. It was a blissful way to spend an hour of my Saturday. It was like icing. Lovely, lacy, frilly, girly, decadent, delicious icing. I could have spent all day there...and indeed stayed beyond their closing time without even knowing! There were so many lovely things to admire that I had to restrain myself from buying. In the end, I bought myself a cute charm that I look forward to wearing. I had a delightful time that I hope to recreate soon.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, 2/26/10: I've raised a snuggle mooch

My snuggle-bug, ella Beatrix, snuggling her Grandpop

I can't help it, it's true. I've created a snuggle monster. As a puppy, I used to have to force her to snuggle me. I'd literally have to hold her somewhat tightly next to me to make her stay. She didn't have much interest in being close to anyone, and was a confident, fearless little spitfire. She's always been a ball of energy, and never spent much time thinking about cuddling. She'd just play until she was plum tuckered out and then crash on any given surface like an explosion of puppy.

But, over the 4 years we've spent together, I've worn her down. She wants to be with people now more than ever. She loves men. She can't get enough of her grandpop, and a few other favorite guys really make her socks roll up and down. At the ripe age of four, she's fond of snuggling--especially on couches--and I'd even go so far as to say she's an out-and-out snuggle mooch!

The bed is a different story. When she sleeps in bed with me, she goes through a sort of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde cycle. She'll start the evening snuggling up to me, most of the time under the covers. She's sweet and loving and will fall into sleep so heavy she'll even snore. Once I fall asleep, Mr. Hyde comes out. She reverts back to her old ways of being a bed hog, which has earned her the clever nickname of "Bed Hog Dog." She will lay horizontally across the bed while I'm asleep in it. I end up in the fetal position or laying on some funky diagonal in order to stretch my legs out. Once I wake up (generally in some sort of slight discomfort), and make her move, she's all cuddles again. Back to Dr. Jekyll. Another version of this comes from her "denning" under the covers. She go under the covers and fall asleep and will stay under there until she's totally hot, begin to pant, yet she won't come out. She'll stay under there until I wake up (because she's shaking the bed with her heavy panting) and make her come out from her den. Then she'll move on top of the covers, and will most likely end up snuggling me until I fall asleep. Then she'll resume the horizontal position again.

In the end, it's a good thing, and I love her know matter what. But I know full well that my little girl is the Frankenstein of cuddles.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010: Auto Travels

Me. In the car.
(NOT driving...sitting in the driveway!)

I feel like I am ALWAYS in the car. I practically live out of my car. For the last year or so, I've had the feeling that I spend more time in my car than in my home each week. While it's true that I have this feeling, I don't know how accurate an assessment it is of where I spend my time.

I like my car, and have come to become desensitized to spending oodles of time in it. It's a comfortable place to be, and I'm happy as a clam with my books on CD, music, and the open (or even trafficked) road ahead of me.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One of those Wednesday mornings: 2/24/10

Choo Choooo!

I thought I was headed for "one of those days" as a comedy of errors unveiled itself to me this morning.
  1. I arrived at the Metropark train station just in time to miss the train.
  2. All trains after that were running behind.
  3. I got on the next train which was running 7 minutes late.
  4. The NJ Transit employee said to me "Ma'am, this train doesn't go to Hamilton." Awesome.
  5. I got off at New Brunswick to take the next train (running 6 minutes late).
  6. Got on that train and my phone went off to remind me of my doctor's appointment. I was due in the office 15 minutes later. Somehow, I thought the appointment was tomorrow. I booked this appointment 6 weeks ago, and have been waiting to get back to find out the next steps toward righting my continual stomach discomfort.
  7. I called the doctor's office, and was told to come in anyway. I made it there 40 minutes late.
  8. I got taken back to the exam room after sitting in the waiting room for 2 hours.
(At least it waited to rain until after I got home from 11.)

Fortunately, the day ended well. My weekend plans worked out. ella got a bath so she wasn't so stinky anymore. I feel good about class and all that I'm accomplishing. I had a pleasant dinner of pancakes and a cup of tea at the diner while studying. It helped to round out the day. It didn't end as "one of those days" as it had begun.

I'm off to snuggle my sweet-smelling, sweet girl and wake up to a new day. Goodnight moon. And snowfall...again.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tues. February 23, 2010: Veggie burger

Amazing Spot to eat in Union, NJ

I say with a great deal of hesitation that my good friend Kate (see 1/11/10 post) may have missed her calling in life. I say that she may have missed her calling because she is so incredibly knowledgeable with matters of the human body and illness that it appears she could start a career in nursing tomorrow. I can't count the number of times that Kate has imparted some medical wisdom or knowledge on me. I make this claim with hesitation because she is one of the most gifted, talented, and creative teachers I've ever had the pleasure to see in action.

In any event, I shared my stomach woes with Kate, and she said that she's heard it recommended that people with IBS go vegetarian. So, yesterday and today I have tried some all-vegetarian meals. And, so far, my stomach is pretty happy.

The problem is, I don't know if I will be able to go totally vegetarian. First, I have some real problems with the philosophical angle behind becoming a vegetarian or vegan (or "veggie burger" as I like to call people who partake of these practices). I'm not much of a hippie. I don't hug trees. And while I'm not claiming that all Veggie Burgers are tree-hugging hippies, I AM claiming that they tend to have a soap box beneath them that spawned their meat-free status. I've had plenty of exposure to plenty of vegetarians and vegans. I've heard it all from "Do you know what they actually DO to those poor animals?!" to "Adam and Eve didn't eat animals, they lived in harmony with them." My answers to this are very clear (and perhaps very American). God put animals here for us to eat. Moreover, if I don't eat that slab of beef, someone else will. I don't lose sleep over it. Call me cold-hearted, but it's just how I believe the world is meant to work. I should note that I do not condone or approve of cruelty to animals of any kind. I do know that the conditions these animals have to endure, for the sole benefit of adorning my dinner table, are not pleasant. I'm not happy about it, but it's the way it is. I put enough faith into the USDA to maintain a standard for quality of life of all animals that I don't feel the need to expend emotional energy on the topic. So, needless to say, I have never "dug" the veggie/vegan ideology and I certainly won't be jumping on that bandwagon even if I do choose to go this route.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, is the fact that I LOVE MEAT. I am a carnivore at heart. To quote Kate again, "Karen as a vegetarian?! Is that even possible? We know how much Miss Wislocky loves meat!" My favorite dinner (my special birthday dinner as a kid...and even as an adult) has been steak and french fries. For crying out loud! Some of my favorite restaurants are places like Outback, Texas Roadhouse, and Steak and Ale. Knowing this about myself makes me think that eliminating meat altogether--especially red meat--is a nearly impossible task.

But, for now, I'll experiment. Here's my menu for the past two days (and no, I'm not a morning-time breakfast eater. Pancake dinners make me happy though.)
Yesterday 2/22
Lunch: PB&J
Dinner: Morningstar Farms spicy black bean burgers (AWESOME!) and veggies.

Today 2/23
Lunch: 2 soft pretzels for lunch
Dinner: Hummus & Roasted Vegetables Salad at Van Gogh's Ear Cafe.

Monday, February 22, 2010

2/22/10: The Anatomy & Physiology of Studying

Almost everything I use for studying

I, right this very minute, am supposed to be studying. I have a massive, major, earth-shatteringly huge test a week from today. I need to do very well on it, and thus, need to prepare for it. I won't have much of a weekend (if I have one at all) as I'll be stuck at home with my nose in a book. Or a notebook. Or an anatomical atlas. Or a PowerPoint presentation. Ugh.

The problem is, there's so much "life" stuff to do. And even worse is the "fun" stuff! The temptation to procrastinate is still great, even at the ripe age of...never-you-mind. I just wanna have funnnnn! But no, I'm off...back to hit the books again. Ciao.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, 2/21/2010: The arrival of Frau Schraeder

One of my scenes (with blocking noted)

This afternoon, I had my first rehearsal for The Sound of Music. First, we learned and sang our song (it's called "No Way to Stop It" and it's NOT in the movie). That was so much fun. Then we got down to the nitty-gritty and began blocking. I've completely and utterly forgotten how insanely HARD theater is! I have not done a show for ten years, and I'm having a hard time breaking myself back in.

In high school, singing, dancing and acting were all so integrated into my life (and, come to think of it, my self-definition) that being in a show--being a lead in a show--was like breathing, or walking and chewing gum. I'd started appearing on stage in third grade, and by twelfth, it was old hat for me. It came so naturally. I remember it being so embedded in me that while center stage in the spotlight singing one of my solos, senior year, I caught myself thinking about what I was going to do after the show, and my unfinished homework for Bio II class, and some other nonsense, in front of a live audience! I had an entire stream-of-consciousness conversation with myself during my performance.

I am so very far, far away from that at this point. Now, I got a little nervous just singing in front of the choral director and my two fellow actors...and a little intimidated acting in front of the director and the same group of thespians. I'm really hoping the opportunity to "get my feet wet" will build my confidence back up somewhat. And I think with time, practice, and perseverance, it will. I'm really grateful not to have a bigger part!!

Here's the shameless plug: Come see the Road Company's production of The Sound of Music at the Grand Theater in Williamstown! April 16-May 1, 2010. For tickets & additional information:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010: Hats Off!

My cousin, Kacie, with her proud parents

Tonight, I went to surprise party to mark the occasion of my cousin Kacie's recent graduation and acquisition of her Master's Degree. Most of my family was in attendance, as well as a large representation of Kacie's classmates and friends. It was so lovely to spend time at this function tonight. Firstly, it was great to honor my cousin's accomplishment. Secondly, it was so wonderful to have so much time to spend with my family. As we everyone in the family gets older, it feels as if these chances to relish each other's company diminish. I am blessed to have my family. I am also most grateful to my cousin. For, without her hard work to achieve her goal, we would not have had such a grand occasion and cause to gather tonight.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010: Double Take

My lady--Restored to her "glory"

I DID NOT take my car in to the body shop.

If you look back to my post on 2/16, you may do a double take as I did today when I went to peek at the damage done to my car. It's gone. This is miraculous! My family and I have theorized that the heat from the sun must have forced the indent back out...but really, who's heard of that happening?!

To top it all off, the police called and shared that the person came in to report hitting my car. My faith in humanity is completely restored, and my faith in the supernatural/divine is renewed.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pop Shop: Thursday, 2/18/10

My "modest" sundae from
the Pop Shop in Collingswood, NJ

I ordered a small sundae with peanut butter ripple ice cream, hot fudge and peanut butter. And THIS is what a server brought me. This sundae was NOT small. Mind you, by the time I thought to take a picture of it, the sundae was 1/3 eaten! Oh, the pain one must endure in this life. Good thing my mom was there to help me with the heavy lifting. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010: Jack Attack

Jack: The Dog, the LEGEND.

I have had the great pleasure to meet and get-to-know this lovely dog, Jack. He is an absolute doll, and may just be the perfect dog. He's calm, non-reactive, great with kids, sweet, and just wants to be around you all the time. Maybe my ella will grow up to be a "big girl" like Jack in her later years...although I'm not holding my breath.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tues. February 16, 2010: Poor 'Yota

My dinged lady

I discovered this lovely blemish on my rear bumper today. It was kind of "one of those days" today... I started the day by being awakened by a lovely dripping sound from the ceiling. So, I got up to do work, and made quite a bit of progress typing out a whole chapter of notes for my study guide. My computer chose not to save the document and Word proceeded to crash, and I lost all of it. Then, in the late afternoon, I made the discovery that my car had been violated. (AND--who ever hurt my car didn't leave me a note!!! Grrrr....)

Not a terrible day though, and I'd made it 47 days into this new year without having "one of those days" so it was about time!

Tomorrow will be a better day. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, 2/15/10: An Optimus Day

A heavenly glow behind Optimus Prime

I met Optimus Prime today. Isn't he dreamy?!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010: Rompin' with my Love

ella Beatrix: My Valentine

I am the most blessed and fortunate girl in the world. I have the World's Greatest Valentine, and her name is ella Beatrix. She and I took a trip to the field to romp around and act like crazies on this lovely day of love.

I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day, as I think it's a sham. But give me my little girl today, or any day, and I know I'm very loved.

I'm a lucky Mommy.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday, 2/13/10: My Mustache Makes Me Happy

My 'Stache

I went to an immensely fun "Mustache Party" tonight. My upper lip has lost its hair virginity to the lovely grey adhesive mustache seen above. It was great fun to mingle with the mustached masses in South Philly, and I met some lovely and wonderful people.

I got my hair cut today's shorter.

(Please note: While I did take this photo, it is far from serious...a bit of fun in the spirit of the evening. Monty Python-esque, no?)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, the Twelfth of February, 2010: H2-OH NO!

Water damage on my wall and ceiling

Sooo....this snow storm has been a big, giant pain in the butt. And, it continues to be so.

The snow that's melting is finding its way inside my building....and into the ceiling of my bedroom. I came home to find some lovely water damage. It's brown and stinky and oodles of fun.

Oh, joy, oh rapture.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday, 2/11/10: Post Snowpocalypse

The quiet, sunny morning after the big snowstorm.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, 2/10/10: Nor'Easter Blizzard


Just gonna let the Nor'Easter shots "speak" for themselves.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010: Barium Blues

My Barium Iced Tea

My stomach has been funky for about two months now, so my doctor ordered a CT scan of my stomach. Little did I know what he (& the good people at South Jersey Radiology) had in store for me. The night before my appointment, I filled a water bottle like the one shown above, and mixed in 2 packets of powder (Barium). This turned the water white like milk, and gave it the consistency of a runny yogurt. Yum.

At 8:00 last night, I was to drink the first 8 ounces, followed by 3 more doses this morning. The first dose didn't go so well. I had a really hard time with it. I tried pinching my nose and closing my eyes, but it didn't help.

So, this morning I called SJRA and asked for an alternative. They had me come in right away and they made me Barium Iced Tea. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't good, but anything was better than that milky, chalky stuff sitting in my refrigerator. The tea got harder to finish as I neared the end (the aftertaste was not so great) but I did it!

I went for the test about an hour after I'd finished it. I was kept company in the waiting room by Regis & Kelly, then Rachael Rae, and the women of The View.

Then, finally, they called me back. The test took about 4 minutes. All that prep for 4 minutes. I couldn't believe it.

Best news? I lived to tell the tale.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, February 8: Let it irk.

Snow. Ugh.

In anticipation of another snowstorm beginning tomorrow, I thought it apropos to share my thoughts on the white flakes that are so willing to grace us with their presence of late. When most people think of snow, they romanticize it. For kids from 1-100, snowfall is generally the subject of great anticipation.

They think of all the fun it brings! They envision:
  • Days off of school
  • Snowpeople
  • Hot cocoa
  • Sledding
  • Forts
  • Snowball fights
  • Sleigh rides
  • Snow angels
  • Catching snowflakes on the tongue
Be clear. You will not find me waxing poetic here about snow. I am not a fan.

When I think of snow, I think of:
  • cold
  • snow falling down the back of your shirt/coat
  • alllllll that gear you need to perpetually don
  • mountains made in parking lots (like the one in the picture above)
  • yellow snow
  • brown snow "stuff" in the shoulders of the roads
  • ugh....snow.
  • treacherous sidewalks and roadways
  • the annoyance of clearing off my car
  • the annoyance of getting out of my parking spot once I've been plowed in
  • cycles of melting and refreezing causing ice--black ice too
  • slipping and falling and busting your hiney on some patch of pavement somewhere
  • inconvenience.
One of my roommates from college, Samantha, was at West Chester on the National Student Exchange program. She was born and raised in the Bay Area--Vallejo, California. Samantha went on endlessly about the snow..."Oh, Karen! I just can't wait for it to snow! I've never seen it in my whole life! What's it like? Tell me!" I shared the one major benefit of snowfall--cancellation of class--and made every effort to enlighten her that snow is a photograph.

Once snow finally graced us with its abominable presence, (pun definitely intended--I'm a huge Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer fan, what can I say?!) the excited chatter continued from Sam's side of our second-floor dorm room. "It's so beautiful! Let's have a snowball fight! Karen, can't we please go out and play out there? Won't you please go with me? Look at all those people having so much fun in the front of our building! Let's go do that with them. Can't we make a snowman?"

I was not going anywhere in the snow that day. Especially not while snow was still actively falling. Samantha eventually decided to leave me behind and venture out of doors to appreciate the "beauty" of the snow while visiting the take-out style cafeteria. I was set with Ramen. She returned, delighted, and was disappointed in me for being so sour to something (in her opinion) so lovely.

Within a day or so, her attitude had changed. She fell. And hard too. She had a mighty bruise that resulted in her referring to her left leg as her "bum leg" for a week or so. Moving forward, the commentary was much more my speed. "Stupid snow. Stupid ice. Makin' me fall and get this bum leg. You all are out there having fun in the snow now, but just you're gonna fall and get a bum leg too. You'll see."


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, 2/7/10: Pretty in Pink

Maplewood Sunset

Took a drive today. Amazingness of pink in the North Jersey sky.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday, 2/6/10: Visit to Crane's Deli

Crane's Deli in Maplewood, NJ

I was fortunate to avoid the tons of snow at home this weekend, as I headed to North Jersey on Friday night as the storm hit. At home, the snow was a doozy. Over two feet there (and when I checked in at 7:30 tonight it was still snowing!) Here in North Jersey, they got very little snow. My guess is an inch tops. It's in the bitter cold and windy, probably in the 20's with a lower wind chill, but at least it's not a snowy mess.

I spent a few hours at Crane's Deli with Hondo and Texas Ted yesterday. They're always entertaining! I also treated myself to a manicure and pedicure next door, as I had to cancel my Saturday AM appointment back home due to my early evacuation. It was a great day, and Crane's brought about lots of warm fuzzies despite the frigid weather!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010: Catwoman

Meet Sierra: Texas Ted's feline companion

I am highly allergic to cats. (I was medicated when I took this picture.)

In addition to being allergic, I just plain don't like them. I don't believe that my disdain is correlated to my allergy, as it was around long before the allergy emerged, but it exists nonetheless.

The root of my aversion is somewhat unclear. I could possibly attribute it to being scratched on the forearm (go anatomy class!) as a youth. However, I was bit by a dog on the calf at an even younger age, and I am as pro-dog as they come, so that negates that theory. I do, however, remember well that I had in fact liked the cat who wronged me--before she'd done so; in fact, I was sitting on the couch caressing her, looked away momentarily, and she struck. Perhaps I poked her in the eye.

[Not that this is entirely poignant, but I feel it's important to mention. I don't hate the entire species. I greatly admire tigers, lions, lygers, :) etc. It's just the house cat variety that gets me all fired up.]

Whatever the reason may be, I don't like the common house cat. Cat people would never understand my dislike, and are generally quick to defend their "noble species." Just the cold, bitchy way they operate does nothing for me. It's the opposite of what I seek in a companion of any kind--human or animal. If I wanted a self-sustaining pet, I'd get Sea Monkeys.

Needless to say, I won't be sitting in the cat cheering section at any juncture of my life. On that note, I so look forward to the silliness that is known as Animal Planet's "Puppy Bowl" featured tomorrow during the "Big Game." It's a gimmick, yes, but also some good-old-fashioned, adorable, goofy, silly, fun.

RIP Calico, my aforementioned attacker, who passed in 11/2009. xoxo

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday, 2/4/10: Say Cheese!

Mastoris Cheese and Cinnamon Bread: Yum!

This is today's "cheesy" photo! Dinner at Mastoris Diner in Bordentown, NJ.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010: Cheerio, mate!

Cheerios: Honey, I'm a Nut for them!

I utterly and absolutely love cereal. I could eat it for every meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner, AND as a midnight snack! I truly could. If I chose to do so, however, I'd of course need to use Lactose-free, Soy, or Almond milk (or something of the like), as my stomach can't handle dairy. (No fun, I know.)

I adore cooking and baking. It may be my most favorite pastime. But there's something wonderful about pouring yourself a bowl of cereal and having a delicious treat of a meal that only dirties two dishes.

It's sublime.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day 2010: CAMERA Day!!

My new (replacement) camera

Those who know me know that I go very few places without my camera. Make that "went" very few places without my camera. I had a Canon Rebel Digital SLR that was stolen last May, while out bowling at North Bowl. It was a major bummer.

2009 was a bad year for all of my digital photographs, in honesty. My hard drive crashed and I had nothing backed up, and then I lost my camera--my means to capture new images.

I had hoped that Santa Claus might replace my camera, but, alas, he did not. I contacted the insurance company, filed a police report, and reported it stolen. After my deductible, my loss was still enough that they wrote me a check. While it was obviously not the full amount of the camera, what they provided certainly helped!

It's funny...I always delay opening major purchases/gifts like this one. I think it takes time for it to sink in that they actually belong to me. My brown Uggs, for example, are still wrapped in their original plastic and tissue, sitting in the box in the closet. It's odd, I know, but as I get older, it's how I seem to operate with these "fancy" purchases. I almost get nervous about them. It's hard to explain.

So, fortunately, sometime in the near future I will be able to post photos on this blog that were taken with a REAL camera. (I've been using the camera on my cell phone in the stead of my SLR.) It'll be quite a jump from 3.2 to 15 megapixels!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, the first of February, 2010= Busy!

Today's schedule

It's 11:00 and I've just gotten home. I'm too tired to write.
I'll let the picture do the talking today.