It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day 2010: CAMERA Day!!

My new (replacement) camera

Those who know me know that I go very few places without my camera. Make that "went" very few places without my camera. I had a Canon Rebel Digital SLR that was stolen last May, while out bowling at North Bowl. It was a major bummer.

2009 was a bad year for all of my digital photographs, in honesty. My hard drive crashed and I had nothing backed up, and then I lost my camera--my means to capture new images.

I had hoped that Santa Claus might replace my camera, but, alas, he did not. I contacted the insurance company, filed a police report, and reported it stolen. After my deductible, my loss was still enough that they wrote me a check. While it was obviously not the full amount of the camera, what they provided certainly helped!

It's funny...I always delay opening major purchases/gifts like this one. I think it takes time for it to sink in that they actually belong to me. My brown Uggs, for example, are still wrapped in their original plastic and tissue, sitting in the box in the closet. It's odd, I know, but as I get older, it's how I seem to operate with these "fancy" purchases. I almost get nervous about them. It's hard to explain.

So, fortunately, sometime in the near future I will be able to post photos on this blog that were taken with a REAL camera. (I've been using the camera on my cell phone in the stead of my SLR.) It'll be quite a jump from 3.2 to 15 megapixels!

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