It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010: Catwoman

Meet Sierra: Texas Ted's feline companion

I am highly allergic to cats. (I was medicated when I took this picture.)

In addition to being allergic, I just plain don't like them. I don't believe that my disdain is correlated to my allergy, as it was around long before the allergy emerged, but it exists nonetheless.

The root of my aversion is somewhat unclear. I could possibly attribute it to being scratched on the forearm (go anatomy class!) as a youth. However, I was bit by a dog on the calf at an even younger age, and I am as pro-dog as they come, so that negates that theory. I do, however, remember well that I had in fact liked the cat who wronged me--before she'd done so; in fact, I was sitting on the couch caressing her, looked away momentarily, and she struck. Perhaps I poked her in the eye.

[Not that this is entirely poignant, but I feel it's important to mention. I don't hate the entire species. I greatly admire tigers, lions, lygers, :) etc. It's just the house cat variety that gets me all fired up.]

Whatever the reason may be, I don't like the common house cat. Cat people would never understand my dislike, and are generally quick to defend their "noble species." Just the cold, bitchy way they operate does nothing for me. It's the opposite of what I seek in a companion of any kind--human or animal. If I wanted a self-sustaining pet, I'd get Sea Monkeys.

Needless to say, I won't be sitting in the cat cheering section at any juncture of my life. On that note, I so look forward to the silliness that is known as Animal Planet's "Puppy Bowl" featured tomorrow during the "Big Game." It's a gimmick, yes, but also some good-old-fashioned, adorable, goofy, silly, fun.

RIP Calico, my aforementioned attacker, who passed in 11/2009. xoxo

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