It is said that a photograph says a thousand words. I am renewing my resolve to take one photo per day for an approximate total of 365,000 unspoken words.

Monday, February 22, 2010

2/22/10: The Anatomy & Physiology of Studying

Almost everything I use for studying

I, right this very minute, am supposed to be studying. I have a massive, major, earth-shatteringly huge test a week from today. I need to do very well on it, and thus, need to prepare for it. I won't have much of a weekend (if I have one at all) as I'll be stuck at home with my nose in a book. Or a notebook. Or an anatomical atlas. Or a PowerPoint presentation. Ugh.

The problem is, there's so much "life" stuff to do. And even worse is the "fun" stuff! The temptation to procrastinate is still great, even at the ripe age of...never-you-mind. I just wanna have funnnnn! But no, I'm off...back to hit the books again. Ciao.

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